pristine svn-base file missing

This problem:

cannot find the file .svn\pristine\24\24fd530d4bd82341fb514ab912c9e10adbc4ad89.svn-base

I copied a svn-base from other file and renamed this with 24fd530d4bd82341fb514ab912c9e10adbc4ad89.svn-base. And perform a clean up operation. After that I met another file missing. Using the same way, and at last I fixed this problem.

From a Windows command line with SilkSVN installed:

cd project directory
svn status

This will generate an error. Select and copy the directory and filename text then paste:

echo > .svn\pristine\<paste>

For example:

echo > 24\24fd530d4bd82341fb514ab912c9e10adbc4ad89.svn-base

With this knowledge in hand, it would be reasonably trivial to write a batch file that can fix these problems automatically for everyone. The svn command will generate an %ERRORLEVEL% value that can be checked for failure.

I solved this by

  1. Creating an empty file /workingdirectory/.svn/pristine/da/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601800afd80009.svn-base

  2. Run svn cleanup

For me the file was there but had (1) appended to the name. (A copy) ff4c7be3da460bb91144d6761cc5743536c983f4 (1).svn-base

I removed the "(1)" and cleanup ran fine ff4c7be3da460bb91144d6761cc5743536c983f4.svn-base

I got away by replacing the .svn directory with the same from a freshly checked-out copy. Fortunately for me, the local copy was on the same revision as the repo. Not sure what the implications would be if it was not the case.