Printing debug output to console in Codeception

I seem to have found a way around the issue by using a helper class:

class WebHelper extends \Codeception\Module
    public function seeMyVar($var){

and calling the class as such:

$foo = array('one','two');

then I get the debug output I'm looking for

I see my var "lambda function"
      [0] => one
      [1] => two

I will accept this as a temporary solution however I would like to keep my assertions clean and not clutter them with var_dumps upgraded to test functions, so if anyone has a conceptually correct solution, please submit

See Debugging which says

You may print any information inside a test using the codecept_debug function.

And I'm using it in my *Cept class:


Your debug output is only visible when you run with --debug (-v doesn't show it, but -vv and -vvv do):

codecept run --debug

And the output looked like:

Validate MyEntity table insert (MyCept) 
* I persist entity "AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity"

  AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity Object
      [Id:AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity:private] => 1
      [Description:AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity:private] => Description



and run Codeception with --debug flag.