Print this diamond

J, 29 26 24 23 22 21 chars


Thanks to FUZxxl for the "+ trick (I don't think I've ever used u"v before, heh).


                  i:8  "steps" vector: _8 _7 _6 ... _1 0 1 ... 7 8
                 |     magnitude
              +/~      outer product using +
            9-         inverts the diamond so that 9 is in the center
  (      )"+           for each digit:
      #                  copy
   0&<                   if positive then 1 else 0
       ":                copies of the string representation of the digit
                         (in other words: filter out the strictly positive
                          digits, implicitly padding with spaces)
,.                     ravel each item of the result of the above
                       (necessary because the result after `#` turns each
                        scalar digit into a vector string)

APL (33 31)

A⍪1↓⊖A←A,0 1↓⌽A←⌽↑⌽¨⍴∘(1↓⎕D)¨⍳9

If spaces separating the numbers are allowed (as in the Mathematica entry), it can be shortened to 28 26:

A⍪1↓⊖A←A,0 1↓⌽A←⌽↑⌽∘⍕∘⍳¨⍳9


  • (Long program:)
  • ⍳9: a list of the numbers 1 to 9
  • 1↓⎕D: ⎕D is the string '0123456789', 1↓ removes the first element
  • ⍴∘(1↓⎕D)¨⍳9: for each element N of ⍳9, take the first N elements from 1↓⎕D. This gives a list: ["1", "12", "123", ... "123456789"] as strings
  • ⌽¨: reverse each element of this list. ["1", "21", "321"...]

  • (Short program:)

  • ⍳¨⍳9: the list of 1 to N, for N [1..9]. This gives a list [[1], [1,2], [1,2,3] ... [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] as numbers.
  • ⌽∘⍕∘: the reverse of string representation of each of these lists. ["1", "2 1"...]
  • (The same from now on:)
  • A←⌽↑: makes a matrix from the list of lists, padding on the right with spaces, and then reverse that. This gives the upper quadrant of the diamond. It is stored in A.
  • A←A,0 1↑⌽A: A, with the reverse of A minus its first column attached to the right. This gives the upper half of the rectangle. This is then stored in A again.
  • A⍪1↓⊖A: ⊖A is A mirrored vertically (giving the lower half), 1↓ removes the top row of the lower half and A⍪ is the upper half on top of 1↓⊖A.

Clojure, 191 179 bytes

#(loop[[r & s](range 18)h 1](print(apply str(repeat(if(< r 8)(- 8 r)(- r 8))\ )))(doseq[m(concat(range 1 h)(range h 0 -1))](print m))(println)(if s(recur s((if(< r 8)inc dec)h))))

-12 bytes by changing the outer doseq to a loop, which allowed me to get rid of the atom (yay).

A double "for-loop". The outer loop (loop) goes over each row, while the inner loop (doseq) goes over each number in the row, which is in the range (concat (range 1 n) (range n 0 -1)), where n is the highest number in the row.

(defn diamond []
  (let [spaces #(apply str (repeat % " "))] ; Shortcut function that produces % many spaces
    (loop [[row-n & r-rows] (range 18) ; Deconstruct the row number from the range
           high-n 1] ; Keep track of the highest number that should appear in the row
      (let [top? (< row-n 8) ; Are we on the top of the diamond?
            f (if top? inc dec) ; Decided if we should increment or decrement
            n-spaces (if top? (- 8 row-n) (- row-n 8))] ; Calculate how many prefix-spaces to print
        (print (spaces n-spaces)) ; Print prefix-spaces
        (doseq [m (concat (range 1 high-n) (range high-n 0 -1))] ; Loop over the row of numbers
          (print m)) ; Print the number

        (if r-rows
          (recur r-rows (f high-n)))))))

Due to a bug in the logic in my first attempt (accidentally inserting the prefix-spaces between each number instead), I managed to get this:

1       2       1
1      2      3      2      1
1     2     3     4     3     2     1
1    2    3    4    5    4    3    2    1
1   2   3   4   5   6   5   4   3   2   1
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    6    5    4    3    2    1
1     2     3     4     5     6     5     4     3     2     1
1      2      3      4      5      4      3      2      1
1       2       3       4       3       2       1
1        2        3        2        1
1         2         1

Not even correct ignoring the obvious bug, but it looked cool.