Print the difference in the Thue-Morse sequence

Python 3 2, 104 92 88 84 bytes

This is a pretty rudimentary solution based on building a ternary Thue-Morse sequence from scratch. This sequence is identical to the one being asked, though someone else will have to write a more thorough explanation of why that is. At any rate, this sequence is only a trivial modification of this one, A036580.

Edit: Changed the for loop into a list comprehension, changed from a function to a program, and changed the whole thing to Python 2. Thanks to Dennis for golfing help.

while len(s)<n:s="".join(`[1,20,210][int(i)]`for i in s)
print s[:n]

Mathematica, 79 68 70 bytes


Julia, 56 50 bytes

n->(m=1;[m=[m;1-m]for _=0:n];diff(find(m))[1:n]-1)

This is an anonymous function that accepts an integer and returns an integer array. To call it, assign it to a variable.

We generate the bit-swapped Thue-Morse sequence by starting with an integer m = 1, then we append 1-m to m as an array n+1 times, where n is the input. This generates more terms than we need. We then locate the ones using find(m), get the difference between consecutive values using diff, and subtract 1 elementwise. Taking the first n terms of the resulting array gives us what we want.

Saved 6 bytes and fixed an issue thanks to Dennis!