Print Estimator Name in SkLearn

I think you are looking for estimator.__class__.__name__ i.e.:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

def print_estimator_name(estimator):

#Expected Outcome:

I have an alternative method. Get the object name, convert to str, get foremost child class with split("."), and finally strip off unwanted chars


This work for me in SKLearn, XGBoost, and LightGBM

print(f'Acc: {pred:0.5f} for the {str(type(clf)).split(".")[-1][:-2])}')
Acc: 0.7159443 : DecisionTreeClassifier
Acc: 0.7572368 : RandomForestClassifier
Acc: 0.7548593 : ExtraTreesClassifier
Acc: 0.7416970 : XGBClassifier
Acc: 0.7582540 : LGBMClassifier