Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

This is may occurs if you are missing config.h file,

For update config.h file,

1) Close your Xcode.

2) Open Terminal, go to your project's root folder and do:

cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-{X}.{X}.{X}/

3) Run the configure script:


4) Open Xcode and try to run your app.

{X}: version number glog

Open Project in Xcode

If Xcode > 9 run command react-native upgrade (this overwrites all your iOS configurations, use with caution!)


1.Go to File -> Project settings

2.Click the Advanced button

3.Select "Custom" and select "Relative to Workspace" in the pull down

4.Change "Build/Products" to "build/Build/Products" and "Build/Intermediates" to "build/Build/Intermediates"

Add package done, done

If you're using Xcode 10, it may be due to an incompatibility with the latest build system of Xcode. Try switching to the legacy build system.

Open Xcode 10, File > Project Settings > Build System > switch dropdown to Legacy Build System.


Update React using react-native upgrade did it for me.

Disclaimer: this overwrites all your iOS configurations, use with caution!