Previous route name in Laravel 5.1-5.8

Simply you can do this to achieve it. I hope it helps

In Controller:

$url = url()->previous();
$route = app('router')->getRoutes($url)->match(app('request')->create($url))->getName();

if($route == 'RouteName') {
    //Do required things

In blade file

 $url = url()->previous();
 $route = app('router')->getRoutes($url)->match(app('request')->create($url))->getName();

@if($route == 'RouteName')
   //Do one task
  // Do another task

Here what work for me. I find this answer and this question and modify it to work in my case:

@if(app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create(URL::previous()))->getName() == '')
    Some text

Update for 5.8 version by Robert


You can't get route name of previous page, so your options are:

  1. Check previous URL instead of a route name.

  2. Use sessions. First, save route name:

    session()->flash('previous-route', Route::current()->getName());

Then check if session has previous-route:

@if (session()->has(`previous-route`) && session(`previous-route`) == 'contacts')
    Display something
  1. Use GET parameters to pass route name.

If I were you, I'd use sessions or would check previous URL.