Prevent usage of default constructor

You can just make it private:

private MyClass()

Alternatively (if you didn't know already) if you just declare a constructor with parameters, the default one isn't added by the compiler, e.g.

private MyClass(string myParameter)
    //Can't call new MyClass() anymore

Make it private.


class SomeClass
    private SomeClass()

    public SomeClass(int SomeParam)

One thing to mention that others have not. The default constructor should still be able to set up the default implementation bits, to avoid reuse. This is not a problem if it is private, as you can still chain down to a private constructor. You just make it unavailable to outside sources.

private MyClass()

public MyClass(string something) : this()

That solves the problem. Note, however, that protected may actually be a preferred implementation if the class is not sealed.

  • If everything in the class is static, consider making it a static class. That way, you won't get a constructor at all.
  • If you want a parameterless constructor but you don't want it to be public, declare it explicitly and make it private (or internal etc)
  • If you don't want a parameterless constructor but do want constructors with parameters, then just declare the parameterized constructor - the default constructor won't be generated for you

I think that should cover all bases...

