Prevent unnecessary artifact download when using Release Management

Release Management downloads all the artifacts published by the build definition that you selected by default. There isn't any setting to configure this for now. You can submit a feature request on VSTS User Voice.

Just released. VSTS and TFS 2018 has a new feature that might fit your needs

Previously, as part of a deployment phase, you could choose to either download all the artifacts or skip them all. Now you can choose the artifacts that need to be downloaded. This can save time by ensuring the agent only has to download what it needs. See the release artifacts documentation for more information. This feature was prioritized based on a suggestion.{toggle_previous_statuses}

I do not know if it is available in TFS 2015 Update 2 Release Management since we've already moved to update 3, but with Update 3 you can set this at the Environment level.

  1. On an Environment definition click the elipsis (...)
  2. Choose the menu option "Configure variables..."
  3. In the dialog window select "General" tab
  4. Toggle check-box "Skip artifacts download"

I don't have access to TFS 2015 Update 2, so you'd have to give it a try. Once you do this you can add tasks to manually file copy needed artifacts.