Preferred way to run Scrapyd in the background / as a service

To have scrapyd run as daemon, you can simply do:

$ scrapyd &

The & at the end makes scrapyd run as daemon.

Or, you can run the following command to load the service on the scrapy folder:

$ daemon --chdir=/home/ubuntu/crawler scrapyd

As you have mentioned, to use "daemon", you need to first install daemon on your ubuntu by

$ sudo apt-get install daemon

After having scrapyd run as daemon by doing one of the above ways, you should be able to access your scrapyd web interface after closing your ssh connection.

Set ScrapyD as a System Service

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/scrapyd.service

Then copy-paste following

Description=Scrapyd service



Then enable service

systemctl enable scrapyd.service

Then start service

systemctl start scrapyd.service

Another method but not recommended

Use this command.

cd /path/to/your/project/folder && nohup scrapyd >& /dev/null &

Now you can close your SSH connection but scrapyd will keep running.

And to make sure that whenever your server restarts and scrapyd runs automatically. Do this

copy the output of echo $PATH from your terminal, and then open your crontab by crontab -e

Now at the very top of that file, write this


And now at the end of your crontab, write this.

@reboot cd /path/to/your/project/folder && nohup scrapyd >& /dev/null &

This means, each time your server is restarted, above command will automatically run