Predict the Falling Rocks

Perl 5: 98

98 including 2 command line flags.

#!perl -p0
$)/%$1/+s/#$x?%|%$x?#/%$1$2%/s;1while s/#$x\./.$1#/s;y!%!#!


#!perl -p0 #read entire input to $_ and print at the end
/\n/;($x="($`)")=~y!#!.!; #calculate pattern matching space
                          #between two characters in the same column
                          #looks like "(......)" 
1 while s/#(.*\n$)/%$1/+s/#$x?%|%$x?#/%$1$2%/s;
                          #flood fill solid rock with %
1 while s/#$x\./.$1#/s;   #drop loose rock
y!%!#!                    #change % back to #

CJam, 180 ... 133 101 ... 94 90 87 bytes


There is definitely lots of golfing possible, but I wanted to post it first after getting it to work completely.

Look ma! No scrollbars!

Takes the rocks grid (made up of . and # without a trailing newline) from STDIN and prints the output to STDOUT

UPDATE : Using an inefficient but shorter partial flood fill to figure out firm rocks.

UPDATE 2: Changed the algorithm for making the rocks fall down. Much shorter now!

UPDATE 3: Did several small optimizations and in the end I was able to bring down the byte count to half of the original code!

How it works:

qN/~'#/S*_,):L;]N*             "Preparations";
qN/~                           "Read the input, split by new line and expand the array";
    '#/S*                      "In the last row, replace # by space";
         _,):L                 "Copy the last row and store length + 1 in L";
              ;]N*             "Pop the length, wrap everything in array and join by \n";

_,_,*{ ... }/                  "Flood fill";
_,                             "Copy the array and calculate its length";
  _,                           "Copy the length and calculate [0 - length] array";
    *                          "Repeat the above array, length times";
     { ... }/                  "Run the code block on each element of the array";

:A1$='#={ ... }*               "Process only #";
:A1$                           "Store the number in A and copy the input array to stack";
    =                          "Get Ath index element from input array";
     '#={ ... }*               "Run the code block if Ath element equals #";

[W1LL~)]Af+{W>},1$f=S&,{ASct}* "Flood fill spaces";
[W1LL~)]Af+                    "Get the indexes of the 4 elements on the cross formed by"
                               "the Ath index";
           {W>},               "Filter out the negative values";
                1$f=           "For each of the index, get the char from input string";
                    S&,        "Check if space is one of the 4 chars from above step";
                       {    }* "Run the code block if space is present";
                        ASct   "Make the Ath character of input string as space";

N/z{S/{$W%}%'#*}%zN*           "Let the rocks fall";
N/z                            "Split the resultant string by newlines and"
                               "transpose the matrix";
   {           }%              "Run the code block for each row (column of original)";
    S/{   }%                   "Split by space and run the code block for each part";
       $W%                     "Sort and reverse. This makes # come down and . to go up";
            '#*                "Join by 3, effectively replacing back spaces with #";
                 zN*           "Transpose to get back final matrix and join by newline";

For the floodfill, we iterate through the whole grid length(grid) times. In each iteration, we are guaranteed to convert at least 1 # which is directly touching a space to (space). Space here represents a firm rock group. Thus at the end of length(grid) iterations, we are guaranteed to have all firm rocks represented by spaces.

Try it online here

JavaScript (ES6) 232

s=>{for(s=[...s+'1'.repeat('\n'))];,p)=>c=='#'&(s[p+1]|s[p-1]|s[p-r]|s[p+r])?f=1:c,f=0),f;);for(;,p)=>c=='#'&s[p+r]=='.'&&(s[p]='.',f=s[p+r]=c),f=0),f;);return s.join('').replace(/1/g,rok).slice(0,-r)}

As a function with a string parameter and returning a string.

At first, add a bottom row of '1' to identify the ground line.
The first loop search for the fixed rocks (that are near a '1') and marks them as '1' as well.The search is repeated until no more firm rocks are found.
The second loop move the remaining '#' characters towards the bottom row. Again, this is repeated until no rock can be moved.
At last, replace the '1' with '#' again and cut the bottom row.

Less golfed

  r ='\n');
  s = [...s+'1'.repeat(r)];
  for (; s =,p) => c=='#' & (s[p+1]|s[p-1]|s[p-r]|s[p+r])?f=1:c,f=0),f; );
  for (;,p) => c=='#' & s[p+r]=='.'&& (s[p] ='.', s[p+r]=c, f=1),f=0),f; );
  return s.join('')

Test (You can have evidence of what rocks are firm and what have fallen)

s=>{for(s=[...s+'1'.repeat('\n'))];,p)=>c=='#'&(s[p+1]|s[p-1]|s[p-r]|s[p+r])?f=1:c,f=0),f;);for(;,p)=>c=='#'&s[p+r]=='.'&&(s[p]='.',f=s[p+r]=c),f=0),f;);return s.join('').replace(/1/g,rok).slice(0,-r)}

var rok // using rok that is 3 chars like '#'

function update() {
  rok = C.checked ? '@' : '#';

td { padding: 5px }
pre { border: 1px solid #000; margin:0 }
<tr><td><pre id=I>.#####....
<td><pre id=O></pre>
<input type='checkbox' id=C oninput='update()'>Show firm rocks



Code Golf