postgresql: .pgpass not working

  1. Create .pgpass file with content


  1. set the permissions

sudo chmod 600 .pgpass

  1. Set the file owner as the same user using which you logged in :

sudo chown login_username:login_username .pgpass

  1. Set PGPASSFILE environment variable :

export PGPASSFILE='/home/user/.pgpass'

Now check by connecting to database :

psql -h host -U someuser somedb

It did not prompt for a password, and logged-in to postgresql.

Although question has already been answered and accepted, it may also happen that permissions on .pgpass file are not properly set. It has to have the world and group access disallowed:

/bin/chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

Did you try specifying the host, user, & db?

pg_dump -U someuser -h localhost somedb > directory/somefile.dump