PostgreSql JSONB SELECT against multiple values

From docs ( try to use expression index:

CREATE INDEX idx_jsonthings_names ON jsonthings USING gin ((d -> 'name'));
SELECT d FROM jsonthings WHERE d @> '{"name": ["First", "Second"]}';

This is a response to the answer provided by Mladen. I don't have enough reputation to leave a comment, but I wanted to respond because it looks like the query may be incorrect, and was confusing me, and may cause other people to be confused in the future.

You mention using:

SELECT d FROM jsonthings WHERE d @> '{"name": ["First", "Second"]}';

To retrieve any entries that have either First or Second as the name, however, this doesn't seem to work for me on PostgreSQL 9.4.4:

SELECT d FROM jsonthings WHERE d @> '{"name": ["First", "Second"]}';
(0 rows)

It seems the above query is attempting to retrieve entries where the name attribute contains the array ["First", "Second"].

If I create such an entry:

INSERT INTO jsonthings VALUES ('{"name":["First", "Second"],"tags":["baz"]}');

And then try the query again, it returns a result:

SELECT d FROM jsonthings WHERE d @> '{"name": ["First", "Second"]}';
{"name": ["First", "Second"], "tags": ["baz"]}
(1 row)

However, this is different from the question asked by the original poster, which was how to use an index when querying entries where the name attribute was either First or Second:

SELECT * FROM jsonthings WHERE d @> '{"name":"First"}' OR d @> '{"name":"Second"}';

I wanted to provide this here so other people don't think it's possible to perform an OR query with JSON by providing "name": ["First", "Second"], since it's misleading.