Postgres and Indexes on Foreign Keys and Primary Keys

PostgreSQL automatically creates indexes on primary keys and unique constraints, but not on the referencing side of foreign key relationships.

When Pg creates an implicit index it will emit a NOTICE-level message that you can see in psql and/or the system logs, so you can see when it happens. Automatically created indexes are visible in \d output for a table, too.

The documentation on unique indexes says:

PostgreSQL automatically creates an index for each unique constraint and primary key constraint to enforce uniqueness. Thus, it is not necessary to create an index explicitly for primary key columns.

and the documentation on constraints says:

Since a DELETE of a row from the referenced table or an UPDATE of a referenced column will require a scan of the referencing table for rows matching the old value, it is often a good idea to index the referencing columns. Because this is not always needed, and there are many choices available on how to index, declaration of a foreign key constraint does not automatically create an index on the referencing columns.

Therefore you have to create indexes on foreign-keys yourself if you want them.

Note that if you use primary-foreign-keys, like 2 FK's as a PK in a M-to-N table, you will have an index on the PK and probably don't need to create any extra indexes.

While it's usually a good idea to create an index on (or including) your referencing-side foreign key columns, it isn't required. Each index you add slows DML operations down slightly, so you pay a performance cost on every INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. If the index is rarely used it may not be worth having.

This query will list missing indexes on foreign keys, original source.

Edit: Note that it will not check small tables (less then 9 MB) and some other cases. See final WHERE statement.

-- check for FKs where there is no matching index
-- on the referencing side
-- or a bad index

WITH fk_actions ( code, action ) AS (
    VALUES ( 'a', 'error' ),
        ( 'r', 'restrict' ),
        ( 'c', 'cascade' ),
        ( 'n', 'set null' ),
        ( 'd', 'set default' )
fk_list AS (
    SELECT pg_constraint.oid as fkoid, conrelid, confrelid as parentid,
        conname, relname, nspname,
        fk_actions_update.action as update_action,
        fk_actions_delete.action as delete_action,
        conkey as key_cols
    FROM pg_constraint
        JOIN pg_class ON conrelid = pg_class.oid
        JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
        JOIN fk_actions AS fk_actions_update ON confupdtype = fk_actions_update.code
        JOIN fk_actions AS fk_actions_delete ON confdeltype = fk_actions_delete.code
    WHERE contype = 'f'
fk_attributes AS (
    SELECT fkoid, conrelid, attname, attnum
    FROM fk_list
        JOIN pg_attribute
            ON conrelid = attrelid
            AND attnum = ANY( key_cols )
    ORDER BY fkoid, attnum
fk_cols_list AS (
    SELECT fkoid, array_agg(attname) as cols_list
    FROM fk_attributes
    GROUP BY fkoid
index_list AS (
    SELECT indexrelid as indexid,
        pg_class.relname as indexname,
        indpred is not null as has_predicate,
        pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) as indexdef
    FROM pg_index
        JOIN pg_class ON indexrelid = pg_class.oid
    WHERE indisvalid
fk_index_match AS (
    SELECT fk_list.*,
        indkey::int[] as indexatts,
        array_length(key_cols, 1) as fk_colcount,
        array_length(indkey,1) as index_colcount,
        round(pg_relation_size(conrelid)/(1024^2)::numeric) as table_mb,
    FROM fk_list
        JOIN fk_cols_list USING (fkoid)
        LEFT OUTER JOIN index_list
            ON conrelid = indrelid
            AND (indkey::int2[])[0:(array_length(key_cols,1) -1)] @> key_cols

fk_perfect_match AS (
    SELECT fkoid
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE (index_colcount - 1) <= fk_colcount
        AND NOT has_predicate
        AND indexdef LIKE '%USING btree%'
fk_index_check AS (
    SELECT 'no index' as issue, *, 1 as issue_sort
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE indexid IS NULL
    SELECT 'questionable index' as issue, *, 2
    FROM fk_index_match
    WHERE indexid IS NOT NULL
        AND fkoid NOT IN (
            SELECT fkoid
            FROM fk_perfect_match)
parent_table_stats AS (
    SELECT fkoid, tabstats.relname as parent_name,
        (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del + n_tup_hot_upd) as parent_writes,
        round(pg_relation_size(parentid)/(1024^2)::numeric) as parent_mb
    FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS tabstats
        JOIN fk_list
            ON relid = parentid
fk_table_stats AS (
    SELECT fkoid,
        (n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del + n_tup_hot_upd) as writes,
        seq_scan as table_scans
    FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS tabstats
        JOIN fk_list
            ON relid = conrelid
SELECT nspname as schema_name,
    relname as table_name,
    conname as fk_name,
FROM fk_index_check
    JOIN parent_table_stats USING (fkoid)
    JOIN fk_table_stats USING (fkoid)
WHERE table_mb > 9
    AND ( writes > 1000
        OR parent_writes > 1000
        OR parent_mb > 10 )
ORDER BY issue_sort, table_mb DESC, table_name, fk_name;