Possible to find a list of followers or following on Tumblr using API or other means?

To answer my own question:

While this was not possible with the Tumblr API before, the newly release API v2 now supports both types of information.

/followers and /user/following are the relevant commands. They return JSON objects which list the blogs that follow a user, or that a user follows. It looks like they also require OAUTH to access, as this is not public information.

I am looking for the same thing and one idea I came up with is for the specific Tumblr user to create a custom page with the following settings and code.

  • Page URL: _____.tumblr.com/following.json
  • Page Type: Custom Layout
  • Show a link to this page: unchecked

Custom HTML:

{block:Followed}  {
    "name": "{FollowedName}",
    "title": "{FollowedTitle}",
    "url" : "{FollowedURL}",
    "portrait": {
      "16": "{FollowedPortraitURL-16}",
      "24": "{FollowedPortraitURL-24}",
      "30": "{FollowedPortraitURL-30}",
      "40": "{FollowedPortraitURL-40}",
      "48": "{FollowedPortraitURL-48}",
      "64": "{FollowedPortraitURL-64}",
      "96": "{FollowedPortraitURL-96}",
      "128": "{FollowedPortraitURL-128}"
  }, {/block:Followed}
] {/block:Following}

So I just visit i.e. http://arvn.tumblr.com/following.json But I'm still looking for other alternatives.


