Populating Array in DOS Batch Script

I figured it out:

set FILE_LIST=(file1.dll file2.exe file3.dll file4.dll file5.dll)

set BIN_PATH="C:\Program Files\My App Folder\bin"
set BAK_PATH="C:\Program Files\My App Folder\bin\Backups"
set DEV_PATH="C:\My Dev Path\bin\Debug"

for %%i in %FILE_LIST% do copy %BIN_PATH%\%%i %BAK_PATH%
for %%i in %FILE_LIST% do copy %DEV_PATH%\%%i %BIN_PATH%

I did something like this several years ago, so it just took some figuring out. (btw, I hate reinventing the wheel.) Now that it's posted here, hopefully others will find it useful too.

Yes you can do arrays in batch. While they aren't exactly like arrays in C or VB, you CAN do it:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set  arrayline[0]=############
set  arrayline[1]=#..........#
set  arrayline[2]=#..........#
set  arrayline[3]=#..........#
set  arrayline[4]=#..........#
set  arrayline[5]=#..........#
set  arrayline[6]=#..........#
set  arrayline[7]=#..........#
set  arrayline[8]=#..........#
set  arrayline[9]=#..........#
set arrayline[10]=#..........#
set arrayline[11]=#..........#
set arrayline[12]=############

::read it using a FOR /L statement
for /l %%n in (0,1,12) do (
echo !arrayline[%%n]!

From Jakash3's Blog, Arrays in Batch describes how to emulate arrays in the command prompt.

A batch file named array.bat is included in the article, that contains a library of functions used to handle arrays. You will need to select the the text in the article and paste it inside the bat file.

For example, the following test script:

@echo off
set book[0]=Avatar
set book[1]=The Green Mile
set book[2]=The Count of Monte Cristo
call array.bat add book Babo
call array.bat len book length
echo I have %length% books you can borrow.
echo Pick one:
echo 0) Avatar
echo 1) The Green Mile
echo 2) The Count of Monte Cristo
echo 3) Babo
set /p pick=
call array.bat getitem book %pick% title
echo You picked %title%.

generates the following output:
