Pointers and arrays in Python ctypes

You can cast with the cast function :)

>>> import ctypes
>>> x = (ctypes.c_ulong*5)()
>>> x
<__main__.c_ulong_Array_5 object at 0x00C2DB20>
>>> ctypes.cast(x, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong))
<__main__.LP_c_ulong object at 0x0119FD00>

You can cast the result, but ctypes allows you to use an array in place of a pointer, directly. The issue is the byref in your code (which would be the equivalent of a pointer to a pointer):

So instead of:

cresult = (c_ulong * num)()
err = self.c_read_block(addr, byref(cresult), num)


cresult = (c_ulong * num)()
err = self.c_read_block(addr, cresult, num)