Point Cloud Library with Visual Studio 2017

Installing pcl is tough because there are dozens of dependencies used along with pcl software. But with with vcpkg,a command line package manager, the installation becomes just like a one liner command.

Use Microsoft vcpkg to build a static or dynamic library for your project automatically. All the dependencies like boost,tiff,openssl,flann,szip,etc will be downloaded and installed by itself. After installing vcpkg type the following on Powershell.

.\vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows-static

The link you referenced is 3-4 years old. At the time, any binary build of PCL for Visual Studio 2012 or later was not provided, and thus. PCL needed to be built with target VS. And every include/library directory of PCL and any related library have to be manually added to setup the IDE. Since PCL is a large-scale collection of libraries, this made it difficult for its users to setup VS.

Now early 2018, binary builds of PCL for VS 2015/2017 and more automatic way to setup VS (e.g., adding library/include directories) using CMake are provided. Thus, installing PCL and creating a VS project using PCL does not take more than 10 minutes. I think you'd better follow the recommended way rather than setting VS by yourself.