Plot beachball (focal mechanism) for earthquake in QGIS?

Apparently it is possible:


A Friedrich Prinz mentioned in a recent Digital Geography post about how he wrote some code to create the beachballs. Although he mentioned he might do some more work on the coding, you could try asking him directly if he could share some of the code.

I went through this same problem a while back and was not able to find a solution with QGIS. The question is asked here on SE focal mechanism(beach balls) for many Earthquakes, at the time I opted to do it with GMT my code is long gone but a quick search nets a few examples of what the data structure and command should look like two examples:

From the SE post I linked to the google KML looks to be the path of least resistance, you might be able to import the KML you generate into QGIS. As @Joseph has pointed out it seems that a custom solution is out there now, but I do not believe there is a supported plugin for it yet.