Play Framework CSRF error "[CSRF] Check failed because no token found in headers"

I have faced with it. And i solved it very simply. Just add to your application.conf:

play.filters.enabled += "play.filters.csrf.CSRFFilter"

and in the routes file add the nocsrf modifier tag before your route:

POST        /login                     controllers.AuthController.authorize()

just like that.. I hope my answer help you. Thank you!

By doing Duman Zhanbolatov's answer the error can be avoided but it is not the answer. It will push the app to security flaw.

The reason the application is facing the problem is for the PLAY_SESSION(or your customed session name) cookie of form page request is empty, where csrfToken=value should have been encrypted. Because somehow csrfToken=value in cookies has been removed. It may be happened if you send a response with new-session or discarding cookies. So if you discard cookies or sending response with new-session send it with csrfToken=value session.

def logout: Action[AnyContent] = Action {
    implicit request =>
      val csrfToken = CSRF.getToken.get.value
      Ok(logIn("Please log in")).withNewSession.withSession("csrfToken"->csrfToken)


Then you will get rid of this problem.

Second reason of this problem is: You have run another play application under the domain/localhost/Ip . So the Cookie of that domain/localhost/Ip is still in the cache of browser. When you try to create post req by new play app that cookie is passed into the server, as a result the csrf validation problem occurs. In this case just clear the cookies in browser.