Placing ref/pageref target labels inside a section

Use another label for the pageref of the important fact:

\def\magicref@i#1::#2\@nil{section \ref{#1} on page \pageref{#1::#2}}

\section{First Section}

This is my first section. Let me add enough text to fill up more than one page here.

Fine, so we've written quite a lot of text. Now let's talk about 
\textbf{some important topic}\label{first::important} --  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\section{Second Section}

This is where things get interesting. In this section, I would like to discuss something
entirely different, which is nonetheless related to \textbf{some important topic} that I 
introduced earlier (see \magicref{first::important}).


\ref{first} and \ref{first:important} are always the same. but \pageref can be different. \magricrefis split into a \ref and \pageref.