Place Autocomplete Error while autocompleting: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT

You are getting OVER_QUERY_LIMIT message because you have not enabled billing for your project in developers console.

To use the Places SDK for Android, you must include an API key with all API requests and you must enable billing on each of your projects.

Check this link for more info and pricing.

SKU: Basic Data

Fields in the Basic category are included in the base cost of the Places request, and do not result in any additional charge. The Basic Data SKU is triggered when any of these fields are requested: ADDRESS, ID, LAT_LNG, NAME, OPENING_HOURS, PHOTO_METADATAS, PLUS_CODE, TYPES, USER_RATINGS_TOTAL, VIEWPORT.

You can check pricing and other SKUs in the same link given above.

OVER_QUERY_LIMIT indicates that you are over your quota. The main reason is:

If you exceed the usage limits you will get an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT status code as a response.

This means that the web service will stop providing normal responses and switch to returning only status code OVER_QUERY_LIMIT until more usage is allowed again. This can happen:

  1. Within a few seconds, if the error was received because your application sent too many requests per second.
  2. Within the next 24 hours, if the error was received because your application sent too many requests per day. The daily quotas are reset at midnight, Pacific Time.

You can also check this for more details: