Place a given symbol inside \cup like \uplus

We need fully scalable fonts for this, so fix-cm if the document is in the standard Computer Modern font. It is not necessary if other fonts are chosen.


    }{\fontsize{\demote@{#1}\dimexpr\f@size pt}{\z@}\selectfont\check@mathfonts
  \ifx#1\displaystyle 0.7
  \else\ifx#1\textstyle 0.7
  \else\ifx#1\scriptstyle 0.5
  \else 0.4\fi\fi\fi





enter image description here

The \stackinset command from stackengine can do that:

\documentclass[border = 2pt]{standalone}

 \usepackage{stackengine} %
\newcommand\cupk{\ensurestackMath{\stackinset{c}{0ex}{c}{0.2ex}{\scriptscriptstyle k}{\scriptstyle\cup}}}


$B^{\cupk} $


enter image description here