Pipe putty context to client clipboard?

There is a putty patch doing exactly what you want.


And this patch has been integrated into kitty.

If you want to copy all the putty output to clipboard, there is a "Copy All To Clipboard" option available in context menu (right-click) from title bar of the putty window.

2020 Answer. As mentioned in previous answers it is possible. Idk how about official Putty because i use KiTTY (enhanced version of Putty) instead.

But all you need is to set Windows clipboard in Terminal > Remote-controlled printing and then use following code as a bash script or a function or whatever you like and then pipe into it.

echo -ne '\e''[5i'
cat  -
echo -ne '\e''[4i'

Usage example: cat <whatever> | puttyclipboard.sh

PS: The content (and the original idea) of the dead website ericmason.net mentioned in previous answer can be found at web.archive.org