pip, proxy authentication and "Not supported proxy scheme"

This is because the script requires the environment variables http_proxy or https_proxy contains the scheme in the URL. Set the environment variables

 export http_proxy="http://<hostname>:<port>"
 export https_proxy="https://<hostname>:<port>"

before run the "python get-pip.py"

This is complaining about the scheme for the URL (which urlparse is understanding to be myusr), to work around that you should instead be doing:

get-pip.py --proxy http://myusr:[email protected]:80

import requests
proxy = {
'http' : '',
'https' : 'http://1138.197.222.35:8080'

r = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/ip', proxies=proxy)
print (r)

Append 'http://' and 'https://' with your ips.
I had this issue when working with linux, windows worked fine with ip alone.