pip packages not included in "conda env export"

For me this only appeared using the conda package pip 18.1_py36_0 (didnt try any other versions). So i downgraded pip in the virtual environment to version 10 via

conda install pip=10

After this the export was listing the pip packages again.

Also see this pull request for conda https://github.com/conda/conda/pull/7612 which fixes the issue for conda 4.6.2. It also was backported to conda 4.5.10. Currently there is no conda 4.4.x backport.

I was able to solve this problem just by running this in a command window with admin privileges:

activate <env-name>
conda update pip

After that, exports of the available packages on my environment contain again both the packages installed with conda and those with pip.

I suspect I may have caused this package export problem because I had followed the instruction that pip gave earlier on, when I was executing a package install:

"You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 10.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' > command."

So updating with python -m pip install --upgrade pip broke my package exports, but conda update pip fixed it.