pip install keep asking user and password

Note: I don't have enough rep to comment to reply to wholevinski

This bug got fixed in this pull request back in April, it's just not slated to be released until milestone 10.0, which hasn't been released yet.

Update: pip 10.0 is out now.

Based on the comments in this issue thread, it seems like pip might not be able to handle special characters in the password right:


This comment in particular seems to confirm the issue:

vladignatyev I just ran into the same problem you mentioned, of it asking for user/password interactively. I narrowed down the problem to having a symbol in the password that needs url-encoding. If I don't url-encode the password, the URL can't be parsed. If I do url-encode the password, I think pip isn't url-decoding it before attempting to authenticate.

It looks like the only workaround right now is to use a password without characters that need URL encoding.



