pip install a local git repository

I can also just use:

cd your-local-repo
pip install -e .


python setup.py install develop

You can use pip or pipenv with the following command to install from a local git repo:

pip install git+file:///path/to/your/package#egg=package-name

Note that there are 3 slashes after file: here.

To install from a remote repo use:

pip install git+ssh://[email protected]:Username/Project.git

You can also specify a desired branch like so:

pip install git+ssh://[email protected]:Username/Project.git@master

I just rounded up the previous answers and comments from Quilt and nanounanue and this question. Also posted it here.

If you're working in a venv, you can do this:

env/bin/pip install git+file:///path/to/your/git/repo

Or with a branch:

env/bin/pip install git+file:///path/to/your/git/repo@mybranch



