Pickled Object Versioning

Consider the following class mixin suggested by Tomasz Früboes here.

# versionable.py
class Versionable(object):
    def __getstate__(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "_class_version"):
            raise Exception("Your class must define _class_version class variable")
        return dict(_class_version=self._class_version, **self.__dict__)
    def __setstate__(self, dict_):
        version_present_in_pickle = dict_.pop("_class_version")
        if version_present_in_pickle != self._class_version:
            raise Exception("Class versions differ: in pickle file: {}, "
                            "in current class definition: {}"
        self.__dict__ = dict_

The __getstate__ method is called by pickle upon pickling, and __setstate__ is called by pickle upon unpickling. This mix-in class can be used as a subclass of classes whose version you want to keep track of. This is to be used as follows:

# bla.py
from versionable import Versionable
import pickle

class TestVersioning(Versionable):
    _class_version = 1

t1 = TestVersioning()

t_pickle_str = pickle.dumps(t1)

class TestVersioning(Versionable):
    _class_version = 2

t2 = pickle.loads(t_pickle_str) # Throws exception about wrong class version

The pickle format has no such proviso. Why don't you just make the "serial version number" part of the object's attributes, to be pickled right along with the rest? Then the "notification" can be trivially had by comparing actual and desired version -- don't see why it should be a PITA.