Pi Day: Determine if a list of words is correct Pilish

05AB1E, 15 13 bytes


Thanks to @KirillL. for bringing to my attention that the input as a list of strings is allowed, saving 2 bytes by removing the split on spaces.

Takes the list of words as first input, and the PI-digits joined together to a single string as second input. Outputs 0 for incorrect; 1 for Basic; 2 for Standard.

Try it online or verify all test cases.


€g            # Get the length of each word in the (implicit) input-list of string
  T0:         # Replace all 10 with 0
     ©        # Store this list in the register (without popping)
      J       # Join everything together
       Å?     # Check if the (implicit) PI-input starts with this (1/0 for truthy/falsey)
         ®à   # Push the list from the register again, and pop and push its maximum
           g  # Get the length of this maximum
            * # And multiply it with the result from the check
              # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Java (JDK), 122 bytes

t->p->{int x=1,L,l;for(var s:t.split(" "))x=(l=s.length())==(L=p.get())|L<1&l>9?x:L*10+(L=p.get())==l&L*x>0?2:0;return x;}

Try it online!

Returns 1 for basic, 2 for standard and 0 for incorrect.


  • -6 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen