PHPUnit Strict Mode - setUp() - Coverage

Since this question started to gain some momentum: Here is my kind-of-solution for the problem.

My unit-test (FooTest) of Foo will always use Foo, therefore I add @uses Foo to the class.

This is also important if protected/private functions are used by public functions, because else you have to add each and every protected/private function to a test, if the class uses the function internally. I even think it is wrong if you are doing unit-tests, because a unit-test must not care about how the class does "stuff", it should only assert that a specific input results in a specific output.

(Additionally: The constructor should only do assignments, nothing else.)

After adding @uses the error will disapear.

(You can add @covers Foo::_construct to the class to have code-coverage of your constructor.)

 * @uses Foo 
 * (optional)@covers Foo::__construct
class FooTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    protected $_foo;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->_foo=new Foo(10);

    public function testGetBar()
        $this->assertSame(10, $this->_foo->getBar());

     * @covers Foo::getBar2
    public function testGetBar2()
        $this->assertSame(10, $this->_foo->getBar2());

You have specified strict coverage with checkForUnintentionallyCoveredCode="true". And since PHPUnit 4.0 PHPUnit has the following behaviour:

Dealing with unintentionally covered code

PHPUnit 4.0 can optionally be strict about unintentionally covered code (strict > coverage mode). When enabled, PHPUnit will fail a test that uses the @covers annotation and executes code that is not specified using a @covers annotation.


