php password_hash and password_verify issues no match

I had a similar problem with password_verify().

The mistake in my case, it was that I have declared my password field in the database as varchar(30), but the hash is equal or longer to 60 characters..

Works fine for me.


$hash=password_hash("rasmuslerdorf", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
if (password_verify('rasmuslerdorf', $hash)) {
    echo 'Password is valid!';
} else {
    echo 'Invalid password.';


Password is valid!

The problem with your code is that you are using the double quotation marks " instead of the single quotation marks ' when dealing with your hash.

When assigning:

$hash = "$2y$10$fXJEsC0zWAR2tDrmlJgSaecbKyiEOK9GDCRKDReYM8gH2bG2mbO4e";

It's making php think you have a variable called $2y and another one called $10 and finally a third one called $fXJEsC0zWAR2tDrmlJgSaecbKyiEOK9GDCRKDReYM8gH2bG2mbO4e. Which obviously isn't the case.

I noticed when turning on error reporting that the error:

Notice: Undefined variable: fXJEsC0zWAR2tDrmlJgSaecbKyiEOK9GDCRKDReYM8gH2bG2mbO4e

Was being thrown by PHP.

Replace all your double quote marks with single quote marks to fix.


$hash = '$2y$10$fXJEsC0zWAR2tDrmlJgSaecbKyiEOK9GDCRKDReYM8gH2bG2mbO4e';

Treats the whole hash as a literal string instead of a string with embedded variables.