PHP, pass parameters from command line to a PHP script

While the answer is correct and you could do the parsing by hand, PHP also offers the getopt() function that might actually provide useful here.

There's also object-oriented alternatives (written in PHP, available in a number of libraries) that might turn out to be what you need. Googling for "php getopt" will yield helpful results.

I use this fairly concise method:

  parse_str(implode('&',array_slice($argv, 1)), $_GET);

Which would handle a call such as:

php script.php item1=4 item2=300

By sending it into $_GET you automatically handle web or CLI access.

For commentary, this is doing the following:

  • If the count of arguments is greater than one (as first item is the name of the script) the proceed
  • Grab the arguments array excluding first item
  • Turn it into a standard query string format with ampersands
  • use parse_str to extract to the $_GET array

The getopt() function is probably the most correct answer in the case of the question. Especially since it was made platform independent with PHP 5.3. In the particular case of this question and parsing multiple parameters, one way to leverage this function would be as follows:

$defaultValues = array("inputFirstName" => "");
$givenArguments = getopt("", array("inputFirstName:"));
$options = array_merge($defaultValues, $givenArguments);
$inputFirstName = $options['inputFirstName'];

The call to set $inputFirstName with the value "Robby" would be:

> php script.php --inputFirstName="Robby"


Default values for all expected parameters are set in the $defaultValues array. Input sent through via command line arguments are collected by PHP's getopt function and stored by the $givenArguments. Note that the colon (:) at the end of the "inputFirstName:" string indicates that this is a required argument. Without a colon here, only the presence of the argument would be detected, not the actual value (more information in the PHP Manual). Merging these two arrays together on the third line results in array with all expected parameters being set with either default values or arguments provided from the command line/terminal if they are available.

When calling a PHP script from the command line you can use $argc to find out how many parameters are passed and $argv to access them. For example running the following script:

    var_dump($argc); //number of arguments passed 
    var_dump($argv); //the arguments passed

Like this:-

php script.php arg1 arg2 arg3

Will give the following output

array(4) {
  string(21) "d:\Scripts\script.php"
  string(4) "arg1"
  string(4) "arg2"
  string(4) "arg3"

See $argv and $argc for further details.

To do what you want, lets say

php script.php arg1=4

You would need to explode the argument on the equals sign:-

list($key, $val) = explode('=', $argv[1]);

That way you can have whatever you want in front of the equals sign without having to parse it, just check the key=>value pairs are correct. However, that is all a bit of a waste, just instruct the user on the correct order to pass the arguments.