PHP Multidimensional Array Length

If you are assuming the subarrays are all the same length then:

$count = count($stdnt[0]);

If you don't know the keys:

$count = count(reset($stdnt));

To get an array with a separate count of each of the subarrays:

$counts = array_map('count', $stdnt);

please use sizeof function or count function with recursive

 e.g echo (sizeof($stdnt,1) - sizeof($stdnt)) ; // this will output you 9 as you want .

first sizeof($stdntt,1) ; // will output you 13 . count of entire array and 1 mean recursive .

The other way to count internal array lengths is to iterate through the array using foreach loop.

$stdnt = array(
    array("Arafat", 12210261, 2.91),
    array("Rafat", 12210262, 2.92),
    array("Marlin", 12210263, 2.93),
    array("Aziz", 12210264, 2.94),

foreach($stdnt as $s)
    echo "<br>".count($s);


