php check to see if variable is integer

try filter_var function

filter_var($_POST['id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);


if(filter_var($_POST['id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { 
    //Doing somethings...


Using is_numeric() for checking if a variable is an integer is a bad idea. This function will send TRUE for 3.14 for example. It's not the expected behavior

To do this correctly, you can use one of these options :

Considering this variables array :

$variables = [
    "TEST 0" => 0,
    "TEST 1" => 42,
    "TEST 2" => 4.2,
    "TEST 3" => .42,
    "TEST 4" => 42.,
    "TEST 5" => "42",
    "TEST 6" => "a42",
    "TEST 7" => "42a",
    "TEST 8" => 0x24,
    "TEST 9" => 1337e0

The first option (FILTER_VALIDATE_INT Way) :

# Check if your variable is an integer
if( ! filter_var($variable, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) ){
  echo "Your variable is not an integer";

Output :

TEST 0 : 0 (type:integer) is not an integer ✘
TEST 1 : 42 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 2 : 4.2 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 3 : 0.42 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 4 : 42 (type:double) is an integer ✔
TEST 5 : 42 (type:string) is an integer ✔
TEST 6 : a42 (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 7 : 42a (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 8 : 36 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 9 : 1337 (type:double) is an integer ✔

The second option (CASTING COMPARISON Way) :

# Check if your variable is an integer
if ( strval($variable) != strval(intval($variable)) ) {
  echo "Your variable is not an integer";

Output :

TEST 0 : 0 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 1 : 42 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 2 : 4.2 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 3 : 0.42 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 4 : 42 (type:double) is an integer ✔
TEST 5 : 42 (type:string) is an integer ✔
TEST 6 : a42 (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 7 : 42a (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 8 : 36 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 9 : 1337 (type:double) is an integer ✔

The third option (CTYPE_DIGIT Way) :

# Check if your variable is an integer
if( ! ctype_digit(strval($variable)) ){
  echo "Your variable is not an integer";

Output :

TEST 0 : 0 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 1 : 42 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 2 : 4.2 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 3 : 0.42 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 4 : 42 (type:double) is an integer ✔
TEST 5 : 42 (type:string) is an integer ✔
TEST 6 : a42 (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 7 : 42a (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 8 : 36 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 9 : 1337 (type:double) is an integer ✔

The fourth option (REGEX Way) :

# Check if your variable is an integer
if( ! preg_match('/^\d+$/', $variable) ){
  echo "Your variable is not an integer";

Output :

TEST 0 : 0 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 1 : 42 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 2 : 4.2 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 3 : 0.42 (type:double) is not an integer ✘
TEST 4 : 42 (type:double) is an integer ✔
TEST 5 : 42 (type:string) is an integer ✔
TEST 6 : a42 (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 7 : 42a (type:string) is not an integer ✘
TEST 8 : 36 (type:integer) is an integer ✔
TEST 9 : 1337 (type:double) is an integer ✔

try ctype_digit

if (!ctype_digit($_POST['id'])) {
    // contains non numeric characters

Note: It will only work with string types. So you have to cast to string your normal variables:

$var = 42;
$is_digit = ctype_digit((string)$var);

Also note: It doesn't work with negative integers. If you need this you'll have to go with regex. I found this for example:

EDIT: Thanks to LajosVeres, I've added the D modifier. So 123\n is not valid.

if (preg_match("/^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/D", $_POST['id'])) {
    echo 'String is a positive or negative integer.';

More: The simple test with casting will not work since "php" == 0 is true and "0" === 0 is false! See types comparisons table for that.

$var = 'php';
var_dump($var != (int)$var); // false

$var = '0';
var_dump($var !== (int)$var); // true

In PHP $_POST values are always text (string type).

You can force a variable into the integer type like this:

$int_id = (int)$_POST['id'];

That will work if you are certain that $_POST['id'] should be an integer. But if you want to make absolutely sure that it contains only numbers from 0 to 9 and no other signs or symbols use:

if( ctype_digit( $_POST['id'] ) )
  $int_id = (int)$_POST['id'];