PHP: Can I get the index in an array_map function?

When mapping an anonymous function over an anonymous array, there is no way to access the keys:

    function($val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

array_reduce doesn't get access to the keys either. array_walk can access keys, but the array is passed by reference, which requires a layer of indirection.

Some solutions are:

Array of pairs

This is bad, since we're changing the original array. Plus the boilerplate "array()" calls increase linearly with the length of the array:

    function($pair) use ($foo) {
        list($key, $val) = $pair;
        /* ... */
    array(array(key1, val1),
          array(key2, val2),
          /* ... */));

Temporary variable

We're acting on the original array, and the boilerplate is constant, but we can easily clobber an existing variable:

$i_hope_this_does_not_conflict = array(key1 => val1,
                                       key2 => val2,
                                       /* ... */);
    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },

One-shot function

We can use function scope to prevent clobbering existing names, but have to add an extra layer of "use":

    function($arr) use ($foo) {
        return array_map(function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

Multi-argument one-shot function

We define the function we're mapping in the original scope to prevent the "use" boilerplate):

    function($f, $arr) {
        return array_map($f, array_keys($arr), $arr);
    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

New function

The interesting thing to note is that our last one-shot function has a nice, generic signature and looks a lot like array_map. We might want to give this a name and re-use it:

function array_mapk($f, $arr) {
    return array_map($f, array_keys($arr), $arr);

Our application code then becomes:

    function($key, $val) use ($foo) { /* ... */ },
    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */));

Indirect Array Walk

When writing the above I'd ignored array_walk since it requires its argument to be passed by reference; however, I've since realised that it's easy to work around this using call_user_func. I think this is the best version so far:

    array(key1 => val1,
          key2 => val2,
          /* ... */),
    function($val, $key) use ($foo) { /* ... */ });

Sure you can, with the help of array_keys():

function func($v, $k)
    // key is now $k
    return $v * 2;

$values = array(4, 6, 3);
$mapped = array_map('func', $values, array_keys($values));