Phone number validation Android

Given the rules you specified:

upto length 13 and including character + infront.

(and also incorporating the min length of 10 in your code)

You're going to want a regex that looks like this:


With the min and max lengths encoded in the regex, you can drop those conditions from your if() block.

Off topic: I'd suggest that a range of 10 - 13 is too limiting for an international phone number field; you're almost certain to find valid numbers that are both longer and shorter than this. I'd suggest a range of 8 - 20 to be safe.

[EDIT] OP states the above regex doesn't work due to the escape sequence. Not sure why, but an alternative would be:


[EDIT 2] OP now adds that the + sign should be optional. In this case, the regex needs a question mark after the +, so the example above would now look like this:


To validate phone numbers for a specific region in Android, use libPhoneNumber from Google, and the following code as an example:

public boolean isPhoneNumberValid(String phoneNumber, String countryCode) {
    // NOTE: This should probably be a member variable.
    PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();

    try {
        PhoneNumber numberProto = phoneUtil.parse(phoneNumber, countryCode);
        return phoneUtil.isValidNumber(numberProto);
    } catch (NumberParseException e) {
        System.err.println("NumberParseException was thrown: " + e.toString());
    return false;

Use isGlobalPhoneNumber() method of PhoneNumberUtils to detect whether a number is valid phone number or not.



The result of first print statement is true while the result of second is false because the second phone number contains f.