pdfx: CMYK color profile in PDF/A

You can force the output intent with :

                     {Coated FOGRA39}
                     {FOGRA39 (ISO Coated v2 300\% (ECI))}
        \Keywords{keyword1\sep keyword2\sep keyword3}


% -- snipp --

\immediate\pdfobj stream attr{/N 4} file{coated_FOGRA39L_argl.icc}
/OutputIntents [ <<
/Type /OutputIntent
/DestOutputProfile \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
/OutputConditionIdentifier (Coated FOGRA39)
>> ]

% -- snapp -- 


But preflight will complain, that the output intent isn't RGB

… preflight will complain, that the output intent isn't RGB

If it does not pass at least one validator it's probably not a solution. In this answer about CMYK PDF/A I showed how to produce a valid PDF/A with and without hyperlinks. The solution is to avoid pdfx because, as you already found out, it has numerous bugs.

if I actually include CMYK images, it does not pass as proper PDF/A since the color profiles of the PDF and the included image differ

You can include both RGB and CMYK images and graphics in a PDF/A. But they must be colour managed. Imagine a CMYK document with an embedded image that comes with three colour values per pixel: That must throw an error.

  • The state-of-the-art solution is to embed graphics that are already PDF/A because this forces both colour management and accessible metadata.

  • You can include RGB .jpg images with an embedded .icc profile but the metadata will not be PDF/A compliant. Some validators will complain, Acrobat by default will not (but you can enable embedded documents metadata checking in preflight settings).

  • What does not work is embedding .png because those don't support neither embedded image profiles nor CMYK.

  • You could embed CMYK .jpg images without a profile but that does not make much sense. Embed PDF vector graphics instead or PDF raster graphics. Those support lossless compression.