PDF TO IMG code example

Example 1: pdf to jpg

Best converter: https://www.online-convert.com/

Example 2: convertir pdf en jpg

If you have Adobe Acrobat : https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/pdf-to-jpg.html

If you don't use it : https://pdf2jpg.net/
It is directly on browser (and they plant trees)

Example 3: image to pdf

Hey guys hope you have a nice day!
This is one of the best converter on the internet!


Example 4: jpg to pdf

$images = array("your-file.jpg"); //You can use a URL as well

$pdf = new Imagick($images);
$pdf->writeImages('combined.pdf', true); //The file name

//When ran, it will save in the same directory as the php file/script


Misc Example