Pattern matching to find last element of list

You can pattern match with :+.

def last[A](list: List[A]) = list match {
  case init :+ last => Some(last)
  case _ => None

As you are not sure whether your list does contain any object you should handle such situation in general way. I'd suggest returning option type in your last method as follows:

def last[A](list: List[A]): Option[A] = list match {
    case head :: Nil => Some(head)
    case head :: tail => last(tail)
    case _ => None

Then in your code you can use monad-like interface to work with the result. You can either use map and process data in provided function, or use get method on option in case you are absolutely sure the list was not empty.

use Option[T] to return the result, so if there is some element return Some(lastElement) otherwise Option.empty


  def last[A](list: List[A]): Option[A] = list match {
    case head :: Nil => Option(head)
    case head :: tail => last(tail)
    case _ => Option.empty

  it("returns last element") {

    assert(last(List("apple")) == Some("apple"))
    assert(last(List("apple", "mango")) == Some("mango"))
    assert(last(List()) == Option.empty)
    assert(last(List()) == None)


How to access the Option[T]?

last(List("In absentia", "deadwind")) match {
  case Some(lastValue) => println(s"Yayy there was lastValue = ${lastValue}") //prints Yayy there was lastValue = deadwind
  case None => println("Oops list was empty")

last(List()) match {
  case Some(lastValue) => println(s"Yayy there was lastValue = ${lastValue}")
  case None => println("Oops list was empty") //prints Oops list was empty

// or using map
last(List("In absentia", "deadwind")).map(lastValue => print(s"lastValue is ${lastValue}"))