Passing Eval from ASPX to Javascript function as Parameter

Yes. What you want to do is this, though:

onclick='<%# "PopulateTicketDiv(" +Eval("SHOW_ID") + " );" %>'

The above solution creates problem when you want to pass the string as parameter, you can use following syntax to get through:

OnClientClick='<%# String.Format("javascript:return displayDeleteWarning(\"{0}\")", Eval("ItemName").ToString()) %>' 

Above line should work irrespective of parameter data type


<script type="javascript">
     //Pollute the global namespace
     var ticketDivID = <%= SHOW_ID %>

<a id="lblShowTimings" runat="server" title='<%# Eval("SHOW_Name") %>' onclick='PopulateTicketDiv(ticketDivID)'> <%#Eval("SHOW_Time") %></a>

On a side note because you've got runat="server" you can set the onclick from the backend in OnRowDataBound if this is in a grid/repeater or on page_load if not.