Passing custom List of data using Bundle

args.putParcelableArrayList(DATA_KEY, new ArrayList<>(data));

Make your NewObjectClass Parcelable or Serializable and then create a new class, effectively, containing your list, also Parcelable or Serializable. Then use Bundle.putSerializable (or putParcelable)

Or, simpler, make NewObjectClass Parcelable then use putParcelableArrayList if you can do with ArrayList instead of generic List

Or, simplest, make NewObjectClass Serializable and use putSerializable passing ArrayList<NewObjectClass> because ArrayList is Serializable

In the last case perhaps you only will have to ad implements Serializable to your class.

Alternatively, if your data seem to be large, consider keeping them in a custom Application-derived object instead. You extend Application and then such object will exist all the time your app exist. Don't forget to register it in manifest.

class MyApplication extends Application {
   public static Object myData;

Or you can do with shared preferences

PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences().edit().putInt("a", 1).commit();

use putSerializable method to pass your custom list.

args.putSerializable(KEY, ArrayList<Type>);

and fetch it using getSerializable

ArrayList<Type> list = (ArrayList<Type>) getArguments().getSerializable(KEY);