Passing command line arguments to Spark-shell

My solution is use a customized key to define arguments instead of spark.driver.extraJavaOptions, in case someday you pass in a value that may interfere JVM's behavior.

spark-shell -i your_script.scala --conf spark.driver.args="arg1 arg2 arg3"

You can access the arguments from within your scala code like this:

val args = sc.getConf.get("spark.driver.args").split("\\s+")
args: Array[String] = Array(arg1, arg2, arg3)

Short answer:

spark-shell -i <(echo val theDate = $INPUT_DATE ; cat <file-name>)

Long answer:

This solution causes the following line to be added at the beginning of the file before passed to spark-submit:

val theDate = ...,

thereby defining a new variable. The way this is done (the <( ... ) syntax) is called process substitution. It is available in Bash. See this question for more on this, and for alternatives (e.g. mkFifo) for non-Bash environments.

Making this more systematic:

Put the code below in a script (e.g., and then you can simply use:

./ your_file.scala first_arg second_arg third_arg, and have an Array[String] called args with your arguments.

The file


shift 1


#set +o posix  # to enable process substitution when not running on bash 

spark-shell  --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
         --queue default \
        --driver-memory 2G --executor-memory 4G \
        --num-executors 10 \
        -i <(echo 'val args = "'$arguments'".split("\\s+")' ; cat $scala_file)


Apache Spark