Passing ArrayList<MyObject> Between multiple Activities

If you want to send an ArrayList of objects then your class must implement the Parcelable or Serializable interface .

See these good tutorials for sending custom object between Activities

Use below code for pass arraylist in intent.

Intent mIntent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
mIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("Data", mArraylist);

Use below code For get arraylist from Intent.

Bundle bdl = getIntent().getExtras();
mArraylist1 = bdl.getParcelableArrayList("Data");

First you need to extend parcelable class in your Object class. Then you can pass it through intent via intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("PASSING_DATA", data);

here data is arraylist of custom objects.

see Parcelable and Parcelable Tutorial for better undertanding