Passing an argument to multiple commands in a single line

You can define a local variable for this:

f=file; commandA $f && commandB $f && ...

You can also execute all unconditionally (replacing && with ;) or in parallel (replacing && with &).

Alternatively, you can also use shell history expansion to reference previous arguments:

commandA file && commandB !:1 && ...

For shells such as Bash, Korn and Z that have process substitution, you can do this:

find file | tee >(xargs commandA) >(xargs commandB) >(xargs perl -ne '...')

You can use xargs to construct a command line e.g.:

echo file | xargs -i -- echo ls -l {}\; wc -l {}

Just pipe the above into bash to run it:

echo file | xargs -i -- echo ls -l {}\; wc -l {} | bash

Extending the example to all the *.c files in the current directory (escaping the ls here to prevent any shell alias substitution):

\ls -1 *.c | xargs -i -- echo ls -l {}\; wc -l {} | bash


Command Line