Wordpress - Passing a variable to get_template_part

As posts get their data set up via the_post() (respectively via setup_postdata()) and are therefore accessible through the API (get_the_ID() for e.g.), let's assume that we are looping through a set of users (as setup_userdata() fills the global variables of the currently logged in user and isn't useful for this task) and try to display meta data per user:


// etc.

// In the main template file
$users = new \WP_User_Query( [ ... ] );

foreach ( $users as $user )
    set_query_var( 'user_id', absint( $user->ID ) );
    get_template_part( 'template-parts/user', 'contact_methods' );

Then, in our wpse-theme/template-parts/user-contact_methods.php file, we need to access the users ID:

/** @var int $user_id */
$some_meta = get_the_author_meta( 'some_meta', $user_id );
var_dump( $some_meta );

That's it.

Update (WP >= v5.5)

As pointed out in the comments, current versions of WP offer a third parameter for [get_template_part()][1]: array $args. So from this version on, you do not need to use set_query_var( 'foo', 'bar' ) anymore. Example:


// etc.

// In the main template file
$users = new \WP_User_Query( [ ... ] );

foreach ( $users as $user )
    $args = (array) $user;
    get_template_part( 'template-parts/user', 'contact_methods', $args );

Then, in our wpse-theme/template-parts/user-contact_methods.php file, we need to access the users ID:

/** @var array $args */
$some_meta = get_the_author_meta( 'some_meta', $args['ID'] );
var_dump( $some_meta );

The explanation is actually exactly above the part you quoted in your question:

However, load_template(), which is called indirectly by get_template_part() extracts all of the WP_Query query variables, into the scope of the loaded template.

The native PHP extract() function "extracts" the variables (the global $wp_query->query_vars property) and puts every part into its own variable which has exactly the same name as the key. In other words:

set_query_var( 'foo', 'bar' );

$GLOBALS['wp_query'] (object)
    -> query_vars (array)
        foo => bar (string 3)

extract( $wp_query->query_vars );

var_dump( $foo );
// Result:
(string 3) 'bar'

The hm_get_template_part function by humanmade is extremely good at this and I use it all the time.

You call

hm_get_template_part( 'template_path', [ 'option' => 'value' ] );

and then inside your template, you use


to return the value. It does caching and everything, though you can take that out if you like.

You can even return the rendered template as a string by passing 'return' => true into the key/value array.

 * Like get_template_part() put lets you pass args to the template file
 * Args are available in the tempalte as $template_args array
 * @param string filepart
 * @param mixed wp_args style argument list
function hm_get_template_part( $file, $template_args = array(), $cache_args = array() ) {
    $template_args = wp_parse_args( $template_args );
    $cache_args = wp_parse_args( $cache_args );
    if ( $cache_args ) {
        foreach ( $template_args as $key => $value ) {
            if ( is_scalar( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) {
                $cache_args[$key] = $value;
            } else if ( is_object( $value ) && method_exists( $value, 'get_id' ) ) {
                $cache_args[$key] = call_user_method( 'get_id', $value );
        if ( ( $cache = wp_cache_get( $file, serialize( $cache_args ) ) ) !== false ) {
            if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) )
                return $cache;
            echo $cache;
    $file_handle = $file;
    do_action( 'start_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle );
    if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) )
        $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php';
    elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php' ) )
        $file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $file . '.php';
    $return = require( $file );
    $data = ob_get_clean();
    do_action( 'end_operation', 'hm_template_part::' . $file_handle );
    if ( $cache_args ) {
        wp_cache_set( $file, $data, serialize( $cache_args ), 3600 );
    if ( ! empty( $template_args['return'] ) )
        if ( $return === false )
            return false;
            return $data;
    echo $data;

I was looking around and have found a variety of answers. Its seems at a native level, Wordpress does allow for variables to be accessed in Template parts. I did find that using the include coupled with locate_template did allow for variables scope to be accessible in the file.
