Pass Object to Sidekiq

Best way to approach the problem you are trying to solve is to save the object data in a database and then pass the id of @mixpanel to your MixpanelWorker job like so:

@mixpanel = Mixpanel.create [your parameters]
MixpanelWorker.perform_async, 'person', mixpanel_distinct_id, cleaned_params

Then your MixpanelWorker would handle the job like this:

def perform(mixpanel_id, type_of_send, distinct_id, event)
  mixpanel_object = Mixpanel.find mixpanel_id

  case type_of_send
   when 'person'
     mixpanel_object.people.set(distinct_id, event)
   when 'event'
     mixpanel_object.track(distinct_id, event)

Also read the link that Mike Perham posted, I think he may know a little about Sidekiq ;).