Pass environment variables to an Angular2 app?

Just put variables inside the environment object.

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  url: 'http://localhost:3000/api'

After that, you could import and use it. Angular Cli will swap files automatically.

import { environment } from '../environments/environment';

P.S. Variables are available in environment object.

this.url = environment.url

I would see two ways to do that:

  • Leverage a JSON configuration in a file. This file would be loaded before boostrapping the application:

    var app = platform(BROWSER_PROVIDERS)
       .application([BROWSER_APP_PROVIDERS, appProviders]);
    var http = app.injector.get(Http);
    http.get('config.json').subscribe((config) => {
      return app.bootstrap(AppComponent, [
        provide('config', { useValue: config })

    Here is a corresponding plunkr describing the global approach:

  • Leverage a configuration module:

    export const CONFIG = {

    that will be imported and included in providers when bootstrapping the application:

      import {CONFIG} from './config';
      bootstrap(AppComponent, [
        provide('config', { useValue: CONFIG })

With the two approaches, configuration can be defined for each environment when packaging the application.

This question could also give you hints about how to package an Angular2 application:

  • How do I actually deploy an Angular 2 + Typescript + systemjs app?