Pass arguments from cmd to python script

It might not answer your question, but some people might find it usefull (I was looking for this here):

How to send 2 args (arg1 + arg2) from cmd to python 3:

----- Send the args in test.cmd:

python "C:\Users\test.pyw" "arg1" "arg2"

----- Retrieve the args in

print ("This is the name of the script= ", sys.argv[0])
print("Number of arguments= ", len(sys.argv))
print("all args= ", str(sys.argv))
print("arg1= ", sys.argv[1])
print("arg2= ", sys.argv[2])

There are a few modules specialized in parsing command line arguments: getopt, optparse and argparse. optparse is deprecated, and getopt is less powerful than argparse, so I advise you to use the latter, it'll be more helpful in the long run.

Here's a short example:

import argparse

# Define the parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Short sample app')

# Declare an argument (`--algo`), saying that the 
# corresponding value should be stored in the `algo` 
# field, and using a default value if the argument 
# isn't given
parser.add_argument('--algo', action="store", dest='algo', default=0)

# Now, parse the command line arguments and store the 
# values in the `args` variable
args = parser.parse_args()

# Individual arguments can be accessed as attributes...
print args.algo

That should get you started. At worst, there's plenty of documentation available on line (say, this one for example)...