Pass an operator like a function

The le operator is defined something like this :

sub infix:<le> { ... }

The infix: prefix tells the language it's a infix operator. So if you want to call is as a sub its &infix:<le>(1,2) or for your sort :

sort &infix:<le>, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;
(9 6 5 4 2 11 1)

This may help

Adding to Scimon's answer and in case you want a more "clear" presentation, you can use the following whatever construct:

sort *le*, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;

The previous code is a whatever construct (code object).

The whatever construct uses multiple * to generate blocks of code (anonymous subroutines) with as many arguments:

my $c = * + *;   # same as   -> $a, $b { $a + $b }

This means that the whatever sign (*) is used to denote the two (ore more) parameters that are used in the calculation

The same goes for our case:

sort *le*, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;

is the same as :

sort * le *, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;   # adding space between operator and the whatever sign (*)

and this by turn is the same as :

sort -> $a, $b { $a le $b }, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;   # anonymous subroutine


sort { $^a le $^b }, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;

or even

sub le {
    $^a le $^b

sort &le, <4 6 2 9 1 5 11>;


